Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More bird feeders!

Gelatin Bird feeders
2 pkts knox gelatin, 2/3 cup water, 2 cups bird seed, cooking spray, cookie cutters, wax paper, staws, twine. mix gelatin and water in a small saucepan until dissolved. Turn on stove, cook on med heat until simmering. remove from heat, and stir in bird seed. (I put our gelatin in the bowl so she could help w/o getting bu...rned.) Let cool a few minutes. While cooling, line a cookie sheet with wax paper, spray cookie cutters and lay on sheet. Carefully spoon mixture into cookie cutters and stick straws in. Put cookie sheet in fridge for an hour, or until set. Remove from fridge, carefully remove from cookie cutters and remove straws. thread twine through and your ready to hang them. (We had one fatality, due to staw placement. lol)


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