Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Apple theme

Apple Week!
This week's theme was APPLES and the letter A! So I put together a few
activities. First was our sensory bin. I filled it with split dry peas, then added in a few fake apples,
letter A magnets and blocks, and some red gems. She had fun scooping with measuring spoons,
and of course ended up getting her little princess dolls involved.
K is too young to know how to bob for apples, so I thought up
a different way for her to do it. I filled a tub
with water, threw in 2 different sizes of fake apples,
then also added in 2 real apples. Then I gave her tongs and let her go to it!

She really enjoyed this activity, throwing them back in and bobbing for them again
and again.
Next we made applesauce play dough. There wasn't really a recipe for this one.
We took about 2 TBS of applesauce, a LOT of cinnamon and added about 2 cups of flour and food color. Then when we took our walk, we gathered sticks and leaves to use for stems.

 The last activity I drew a tree with circles and had her put stones on the circles to make an apple tree.

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