Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday Tips

As you can see, I'm still not back in the swing of things, with posting on here.
I am trying to get the house clean and organized,
in between work and running the kids around, so
I don't get online as often as I used to. Anyway, back to today's post.
Tuesday Tips
It's winter, and that means dealing with snow and mud along with
boots, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, extra blankets, etc.
So here are some tips to keep your home clean this winter.

~Encourage your family to leave their shoes at the door. Maybe consider placing a box or special mat by the door to help catch melting snow in shoe and boot soles.
~If you have pets that venture outdoors, keep a towel by the door to give your pet a quick rubdown - especially paws - before letting them in the house.
~Place throw-rugs in high-traffic areas - even over other carpets - to keep your wall-to-wall carpets from aging prematurely and make quick-cleaning as easy as shaking out a rug.

~Salt and grit tracked into your home can scratch tile floors.
Regular cleaning will help keep your kitchen and bathroom floors safe and clean.
~Vacuum carpets daily to remove tracked in salt and dirt.

~Keep jackets, blankets and comforters clean all winter by washing them once or twice a month.
~Also remember: Since winter is "cold and flu season," keep a supply of hand soap at every sink and Encourage your family to wash their hands regularly.

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